SANTA-TIZING: What's wrong with Christmas and how to clean it up
Throw away the template for
Christmas and come walk on the
kingdom side in an examination of
America's most loved holiday. Critical
thinking is a must while looking
through this lens of history and
Scripture. You will be intrigued and
enlightened. What's wrong with
Christmas? Plenty. This book shines
light on various troubling issues
involved in celebrating a Christian
Christmas. How to clean it up? This
will be determined by you and your
family. Since we have an abundance
of traditions, memories, and reasons
to stay just the way we are,
SANTA-TIZING will primarily explore
the opposite. Know that in God's
kingdom no person is forced to do anything against their will.
This book was written to fulfill a vow made to Yeshua’s face to tell the Christian Church that “Christmas will be the Golden Calf of America.” It took 10 years of full-time research, a golden scribe angel and the Spirit’s leading to unearth His Truth in the
sands of time. It covers every argument that you have ever
heard about Christmas.
Book Reviews
PRESENCE OF THE LORD COMES IN THE ROOM! As I was reading the book, I felt like I was listening to you speak out the words of Yahweh. I could actually see you in the spirit speaking the very words as I was reading them, and the presence of Holy Spirit was breathing life. It brought the very presence of the Lord into the room. I have read many books and never felt that before, because this is shattering darkness and lies and is setting the captives free. The pages … are all wrapped up in love, just like Yeshua would have it told. You are so real and I did not know what to expect when I ordered the book but I knew I had to read it. I thought it would be just a little testimony and then lots of historical facts with scripture to back it up but it is way more than I thought it would be. Anyone reading it will be gripped by it.
~ Linda
The book is a must read. I waited so long in my life to finally have the answers I always wondered about. I knew those answers were out there but never thought I would ever find them till now. It's all there, it's profoundly accurate and laid out for the reader to understand. It all makes so much sense to me now!" ~ Anonymous
YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH & THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!! Every believer who desires a deeper communication and walk with the Holy Spirit needs to read this book! God's Blessings upon Robin Main for her obedience and heart to know and share the truth about the "traditions of men that has made the word of God of no effect" ~ Brenda
FULLNESS OF TRUTH! I honor you SO MUCH Robin! SANTA-TIZING spoke to deep feelings inside my heart and soul...and made me SO MAD to be honest! What a sneaky history we have! But what an honor to be called back into the fullness of Truth! It's a joy to say yes. I don't look at it as giving up Christmas, but picking up an even better holiday ~ Ashley
DEPTH OF REVELATION! This author is beyond one to just bring truth. Her pen pings a depth to revelation that is far more than you imagine. Highly recommend Robin’s work and walk with our Heavenly Father! ~ Holly
PROFOUND SHIFTING & COURTS OF HEAVEN! I was on Amazon looking at Robin Main's books and I saw SANTA-TIZING about 4 years ago, and I thought to myself… Oh I don’t need that book… and the Yahweh rebuked me and told me it is one of the most important books I will ever read. So I bought it, and as I began reading it... something profound shifted in me. Yeshua came to me and ask me, like you, to come away from Christmas, and told me it was not his holiday. When I was done, I went into the Courts to repent and was amazed at how much venom the evil one came at me with and he accused me of worshiping him, as I participated in Christmas. Since then my life has been on a path of getting rid of so much, and SANTA-TIZING was the first door to that pathway!
~ Sharon
UNIQUE & INTRIGUING! The most intentionally well-researched work. Her point of view is unique and intriguing, and every page of SANTA-TIZING is supported by history and Scripture. I highly recommend Robin Main’s SANTA-TIZING to you. ~ Sara
Christian Choice Book Award
Xulon Press
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Hanukkah Meditations
A Hanukkah guide to
contemplation for people
focused on the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness
(Matthew 6:33). These
Hanukkah meditations can
double as devotional readings
throughout the eight days of
Hanukkah. Several sets of
eight-day meditations/
devotions are included as well
as a guide for the nightly
blessing and kindling of lights.
We shall all be changed. We shall all be gathered together in one according to His grace. There are many doors by which our oneness will manifest. One of those doors opens on the first day of Hanukkah when a Winter One-der-land portal of oneness opens. A gateway of awe has been prepared for this special season of lights, miracles and dedicating our temples to walk as Yeshua walked. “Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus was walking in the Temple in Solomon’s Porch” (John 10:22-23). Do you want to walk as Yeshua (Jesus) walked?
Available on Amazon
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Restoration of DNA
Discover the ancient and
everlasting way encapsulated in
Hanukkah. Not only is there
passionate blazing new wine
within that’s key to the divine
restoration of the Bride of
Christ’s DNA, but it’s literally a
picture of the Church becoming
His pure and spotless Bride.
If Yeshua (Jesus) risked His own
life during Hanukkah to
perform a miracle that put an
exclamation point to proving that He is the Messiah, what is
He requiring of His Bride? Come! Let’s embark on the greatest adventure of our lives where we are wildly abandoned to His beautiful Altar Dance. Let’s travel back to the future into the very bull’s eye of God’s Kingdom, as we re-live the events of the first Hanukkah, Yeshua’s celebration of Hanukkah as portrayed in Scripture, and how we can restore these age-old foundations in this Kingdom Day. Note: General guidelines for celebrating Hanukkah and a set of Hanukkah devotions are included.
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The Hebrew Living™ Letters
Under construction...
(Projected release date
February 2025)
24 Wisdoms Deeper Kingdom Bible Study
When ALEF-TAV built the
House of Creation, it all began
with the letters of the Word of
God. You are invited to
discover for yourself the
deepest energetic system of
Creation, which God used as
the building blocks for
everything in heaven and
earth. This ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew
Living™ Letters Deeper
Kingdom Bible Study will
teach you through hands-on
experience. I call the enclosed 24 ALEF-TAV Bible Studies the “24 Wisdoms” because wisdom is the principal thing and wisdom is for those who treasure God’s Word.
ALEF-TAV is the First and the Last, the Almighty, the All-Sufficient One who upholds all things by the power of the Word. Just as the Word of God is one of Messiah Yeshua’s (Jesus Christ’s) names, so is ALEF-TAV.
ALEF-TAV is also the substance of the righteous Messiah that flows out of the Word of God in the form of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Book of Creation is written in the Hebrew language, which is understood through first grasping its symbols—the pictographs of the Hebrew letters and their incredible depths. Words are made up of letters. The Word of God is made up of the Hebrew Living™ Letters. May you encounter our magnificent Messiah in a whole new light through focusing on His astonishingly exquisite letters.
DWELLING PRESENCE OF THE DIVINE: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters
There are 22 sections to this
commonplace book, one for
each letter of the Hebrew
Alphabet. Each section creates
a space to interact with the
unique energy and
extraordinary character of
each Hebrew letter as well as
forming within you a flexible,
ever-expanding container for
ALEF-TAV (את)’s immense
limitless riches. Its presence-
filled pages, whether savored
by themselves, or
contemplated in tandem with
a Bible study, will cause your
heart to sing and your mind to harmonically resonate in tune with the various spheres of Creation.
Historically, commonplace books have provided an effective way to collect various thoughts, experiences, quotes, Bible verses, or anything that you would like to retain and remember about a topic—in one place. The book becomes a “commonplace” for you to collect your nuggets of wisdom, information you may want to experience or access again. Just as a home is a common place for a family to gather, so may this commonplace book be for ALEF-TAV (את)’s letters. Just as we scrapbook our valued memories, so may this Commonplace Book of Hebrew Letters be.
The Dwelling in the Presence of the Divine: A Commonplace Book of the Hebrew Living™ Letters can also be used as a companion to ALEF-TAV’s Hebrew Living™ Letters Deeper Kingdom Bible Study and Quantum 22™: The Hebrew Living™ Letters.
There are 8 books in
this compilation volume,
which were mainly
birthed from time in God's
Presence with the Word
of God. Seven of these
eight books come from
Sapphire Throne Ministries'
original "Understanding
the Order of Melchizedek
Series." The eighth book
is a major key for God's
people maturing into the
fullness of the Righteous
Order of Melchizedek,
the fullness of the Bride
of the Messiah, and the
fullness of the Heavenly One New Man in the Messiah, which is the undifferentiated state of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).
Available on Amazon
(Please click on book image for link)
Mystic Mentoring (in Christ)
Laying the foundation and
setting the standard for
people to grow spiritually
through Ascension in Christ.
To be "in Christ" in heavenly
places legally, everyone must
go by the Holy Spirit through
the Blood of the Lamb -
the Cross. This forerunning
book Biblically answers
the who, what, when, where,
why, and how questions
about Ascension in Christ.
Abundant ascension examples
are given as well as especial focus on:
[1] Rightly Ascending,
[2] Marrying Ascensions with Scripture,
[3] Angelic Priests,
[4] Heart Gateway for Ascension,
[5] No Man's Land
[6] Ascending and Descending,
[7] Corporate Ascension,
[8] The Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation,
[9] The Merkabah (God's Chariot Throne),
[10] Decrees and Declarations,
[11] Ascension in Christ Blueprints,
[12] Practical Guidelines for Group Ascensions, and
[13] YouTube Recordings for Group Ascensions.
If you are ready to dive deeper
into the Kingdom of God within
and into the mysteries of the
Righteous Order of Melchizedek,
the MEL GEL Study Guide is
for you!
The manifestation of God's
Presence is how the
Righteous Order of Melchizedek
gels (with their High Priest -
Messiah Yeshua).
Subjects include:
1. Restoration of All Things and the Engravings
2. Shekinah and the Sabbath
3. Sabbath Sacrifices and Absolute Rest
4. Seven Chief Princes of Highest Praise
5. Metatron
6. Merkabah
7. 144,000 FirstFruits
NOTE: These are the teaching notes from Robin Main's "MEL GEL" video series.
Volume 2
The manifestation of God's
Presence is how the
Righteous Order of Melchizedek
gels (with their High Priest -
Messiah Yeshua). This is a
continuation of the MEL GEL
deep dives in the Kingdom of
God within through the
MEL GEL teaching series
facilitated by Robin Main
(Sapphire Throne Ministries).
Subjects include:
8. Bull's Eye of Righteousness
9. Cherubim Chariot
10. The Firmament
11. A Tale of Three Cubes
12. Melchizedek Pavement
NOTE: These are the teaching notes from Robin Main's "MEL GEL" video series. The videos for the last two sessions have been released to the public for free.